Justin Goonan is the current Indiana University Head Coach and he has coached at all levels in the United States, both as a rugby coach and a Strength & Conditioning coach.
Now he is trying to help all those rugby coaches who don't have an S&C get their players fit and fit for rugby. Goonan sits down with Bruce McLane and Alex Goff to talk more about it.
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Learn more about Justin Goonan at universalsportsstrength.com
The key to rugby success is to keep learning and improving, and USA second row forward Nick Civetta has been doing that his entire career.
Once overlooked for the national team for reasons he says were perfectly fair, Civetta remade himself, and has become a stalwart of the team. Now he is embarking on another journey as he continues his rugby—attaining a Master's at Oxford.
Civetta sits down with Bruce McLane and Alex Goff to talk about this and much more.
Dr. Richard Urso has been deep into how America has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, and he has some thoughts.
He talks directly with Bruce McLane about the (lack of) value in shutdowns and staying at home, simple treatments that work, practice responses, Vitamin D, the vaccine, and it's up to the listeners to see how this translates to whether we should be able to play sports at the youth, HS, and college levels.
Follow Dr. Urso at @richardursomd
Strength and Conditioning expert Rob Oshinskie has worked with athletes from all over the spectrum. He sits down with Bruce McLane and (a little bit) Alex Goff to talk about mistakes coaches make with S&C, what works and what's a waste of time, and how you can help your athletes get stronger, fitter, and smarter.
See more about Rob at victorynation.com or you can contact him directly at robo@victorynation.com.