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Dec 16, 2021

Betsy Helmuth and Julie Coraccio discuss the distinctions between designers and organizers, timelines for decluttering and designing, and how to overcome emotional barriers. They share tips for kitchen organization and emphasize the importance of choosing a nonjudgmental organizer.

0:00 Introduction to premium membership
1:17 Introduction of Julie Coraccio
2:24 Differences between designers and organizers
4:16 Timeline for decluttering and designing
5:36 Overcoming emotional barriers to decluttering
9:24 Finding the right organizer for your needs
12:31 Importance of nonjudgmental organizers
19:50 Quick tips for kitchen organization
30:41 Where to find Julie Coraccio
32:18 Sponsor: Affordable Interior Design

- Decluttering should be the first step before any interior design project to avoid unnecessary complications and to create an accurate assessment of what is needed.
- Sustainable organizing involves using or repurposing existing items, being mindful of recycling laws, and avoiding dumping unusable items on nonprofits.
- When dealing with sentimental clutter or resistant partners, it's important to understand that memories are not tied to physical objects and to find a method of organizing that works for everyone involved.

Additional show notes:

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