Released in 1977, A Bridge Too Far stands as the last grand-scale WWII film produced by the Hollywood studio system. The film ambitiously sought to bring to life Operation Market-Garden, the bold but ultimately doomed Allied campaign of September 1944, culminating in the failed attempt to capture the Arnhem bridge.
Producer Joseph E. Levine gathered an incredible ensemble cast, featuring legends like Anthony Hopkins, Robert Redford, Sean Connery, James Caan, Michael Caine, Elliott Gould, Dirk Bogarde, and Laurence Olivier. The movie was shot on location in Holland, with the town of Deventer doubling as Arnhem to recreate the intense and chaotic battle scenes.
In this episode of the WW2 Podcast, I’m joined by Simon Lewis, author of Making 'A Bridge Too Far.'
In this episode, we'll examine the 6th Airborne Division and its combat effectiveness, focusing on how its commanding officer, Richard Gale, meticulously trained and developed the unit. The 6th Airborne was the second British airborne division to be formed, and it would first see action during the Normandy invasion. Gale’s leadership and the culture he instilled were crucial in shaping the airborne soldier’s capabilities and forging the division's cohesive fighting force.
Joining me is Andrew Wheale.
Andrew is the author of 'Ham & Jam: 6th Airborne Division in Normandy - Generating Combat Effectiveness: November 1942 - September 1944'.
When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, it wasn't the Germans who first uprooted Stanislaw Kulik and his family—it was the Russians. Deported to a Siberian Gulag, Stanislaw's fate took a dramatic turn in 1941 when the Germans launched their invasion of the Soviet Union. Suddenly, the Russians released their Polish captives, and Stanislaw embarked on an arduous journey across thousands of miles. He eventually joined the Polish army in Uzbekistan, a path that would lead him to Britain and ultimately to the frontlines in Holland, where he fought with the Polish Parachute Brigade at Arnhem.
Joining me is Nicholas Kinloch, the grandson of Stanislaw Kulik. Nicholas has chronicled his grandfather's extraordinary wartime experience in his book, From the Soviet Gulag to Arnhem: A Polish Paratrooper's Epic Wartime Journey.