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Phil Vischer joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast,” where he shares his perspective on who is currently defining what it means to be an "evangelical" and what he believes the term should represent.
Phil also joined us last week and told us about his experience in Christian media, offering thoughts on how pastors can advise the creatives in their churches. Check out our conversation with him here:
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Holy Post
"Me, Myself, and Bob: A True Story About Dreams, God, and Talking Vegetables" by Phil Vischer
What's in the Bible?
Check out Phil's website
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The Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed
Bebbington's quadrilateral
Billy Graham
Bob Jones Sr. and Bob Jones Jr.
Carl F. H. Henry
David French
Harold John Ockenga
Jerry Falwell Sr.
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John Stott
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"The Virtue of Hospitality" by Stephen Wolfe in American Reformer
William Bell Riley
"‘Women, Cover Up’—Christian Twitter Debates Modesty, Lust and Self-Control in Time for Summer" by Jessica Lea on ChurchLeaders