On activating compassion through our simplest offerings of forgiveness, care, gratitude and respect.
Paula Ara was raised in Detroit by a Japanese mother, and did Zen training in Japan. She obtained her Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from Harvard University in 1993 and is now the Eshinni & Kakushinni Professor of Women and Buddhist Studies at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, California. She is the author of Bringing Zen Home: The Healing Heart of Japanese Women’s Rituals, Women Living Zen: Japanese Soto Buddhist Nuns, and Painting Enlightenment: Healing Visions of the Heart Sutra. Her work has been a tremendous force in my own spiritual formation.
(5:32) - Cancer treatment, body connection, and self-love.
(11:35) - Resilience, grief, and legacy after cancer diagnosis.
(18:07) - Starting a foundation and creating a membership community for personal growth.
(24:59) - Spirituality, self-forgiveness, and patience with a guest speaker.
On steady practices of self-awareness to redefine yourself as often as you wish, and trusting yourself in any situation to make strong choices that serve.