How We Can We Safety Network and Connect When the CorronaVirus has effectively shut down the trade show industry?
Lisa Murray is the event director for Diversified Communications, an international media company with more than 13 years’ experience in producing world-renowned events for precision measurement professionals. If you’re in this field, then you have most likely have attended one of their events, including SPAR 3D Conference & Expo, the International Lidar Mapping Forum or the Commercial UAV Expo. As many of you know, the CoronaVirus has forced many companies to alter their business operations, especially where gathering of people is the norm. Conferences and expos have been cancelled. That has been bad news, not only for the trade show and conference industry, but also for businesses that rely on those events to build contacts, learn of new innovations, meet with clients and close sales.
In this edition of the Drone Radio Show, Lisa talks about plans by Diversified Communications to hold this year’s Commercial UAV Expo and the UAV Expo Europe online, in a virtual format. We talk about how the decision to go virtual came about, the challenges of taking a live event into the online realm and what attendees can expect at this year’s shows. Joining Lisa is Lee Corkhill who heads up marketing for Diversified’s events and Danielle Gagne, and editorial analyst, also from Diversified Communications, who specializes in the UAV technology sector.