Today, Karly explores the wonderful world of voice... and how our relationship to our voice, creativity and self expression really matters. After all, it's the way we connect with and communicate to the world around us.
Karly is about to kick off a brand new program, VOICE - a 6 week exploration of YOUR voice. Find out more here. We kick off Nov 1st.
Karly is back in the studio post her fourth singing/songwriting class and she's here to share some insights on what she is learning about her process and others creative processes. She also shares how the last couple of years have made her feel like she's taken a few steps backward in her confidence when it comes to her voice.
Today, Karly reports back from her drive home from a songwriting course... something she has very little to no experience in. Whilst everyone else in the course has a background in music, Karly can barely play two chords on a ukuele. Here's what she's learning about herself, creativity, and making music from throwing herself in the deep end.
To see and hear more of Karly's insights, follow her on instagram