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It's All About the Questions

Aug 23, 2017

Can you have it all? Can you have the money you need and want and not work 80+ hours/week? Is it OK to want money? Which comes first: the life you want to live or the business?

My guest started out helping severely disabled children at a rehab hospital, taught physical education at an inner city school and created one...

Aug 17, 2017

What happens when a cellist and a sniper get together to write a few books? Magic. Perception shifting magic. At least that is what happens for me everyone time I read one of the books they have collaborated on based on Brandon Webb's experiences as a Navy Seal Sniper, Sniper Training School re-creator and CEO of a...

Aug 10, 2017

Well there are a few more steps in-between the title of this episode. I had to bring back my guest Brandon Webb because his latest book, two in just a few months, is to important to not be talked about. Reading my advance copy of Total Focus: How to Make Better Decisions Under Pressure shifted me out of lethargy...

Aug 8, 2017

"Your best self is not static. You are in a relationship with yourself and you change." Wise words from my guest Dr. Wayne Pernell. His first book, Choosing Your Power, my copy is quite dog-eared, sets the tone for his latest book, The Significance Factor.

What am I here for? Why did I wake up today?How do I...