Feb 28, 2018
The response to Father Mike's first appearance on my show last week was so huge, with so many questions people wanted to ask him, that when a guest had to reschedule I invited him back on.
On Part 2, we delve further into the types of callings, whether a calling is for life and what he meant by his pet peeve of...
Feb 14, 2018
Callings are not just to the religious life. Callings are something we all have. They call us to be something bigger than ourselves, to make a difference in the world through gifts we each uniquely have.
In the case of my guest on this episode, his calling was to be a Roman Catholic priest. The route he took to get...
Feb 13, 2018
I want to start off by thanking John David Mann for introducing me to Daniel Burrus. His latest book, The Anticipatory Organization has the potential to change the entire trajectory of your life and business, if you are willing to be open to what is laid out in its pages.
What if you could see the future? Well you can....
Feb 5, 2018
Ignoring threats does not make them go away. Enter the Duchess of Cybersecurity. (R)
Being on the frontlines of the Cyber wars is not for the faint of heart nor for the faint of knowledge. It is no longer possible to just be reactive to threats after they rarely occur. We must be more preventive as the only reason you...