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It's All About the Questions

Aug 27, 2019

Thomas Kies was a journalist for many years and now he is a successful thriller writer. The twist? His main character is a woman!

Three books into the series the books just keep getting better and the Publisher wants a fourth. Yet the journey was not an easy one. Many books were trashed and many books not accepted by...

Aug 21, 2019

Michael Levitt, The Founder of Breakfast Leadership and the namesake podcast knows a think or two about how burnout can destroy your life, business and health. After a devastating loss he learned to set boundaries in all aspects of his business and his life and know advises others on how to see the warning signs of...

Aug 7, 2019

We've all had those curve balls thrown at us in our lives and our businesses. You know, the ones that seem to come out of left field that disrupt our plans for our lives and the course of our business. Why do some people seem to be able to get right back on track and others seem to never recover?

My guest today has had...

Aug 4, 2019

Stuart Crawford has built an international business helping other businesses grow and serve their customers. He also does it with a complete money back guarantee unheard of in this day and age.

He ran a successful technology services company, known as an MSP, for many years until one day he realized it was time to sell...