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It's All About the Questions

Oct 31, 2021

How do you build and maintain, "recency, frequency and money" while building raving fans?  Having a steady repeat stream of customers makes the difference between a profitable bottom line and one laden in red.

Amy Biddle is one of the top e-commerce digital strategists and on this episode she talks about and shares tips...

Oct 23, 2021

Founder of the Mentoress Collective and world renowned Copy Chief Marcella Allison has the data and experiential proof to show that women who are a part of women only mentoring and peer groups reach higher levels in business and in life.

Join us as we discuss, and Marcella shares specifics on how women can close the...

Oct 10, 2021

I had to have Jay McBain back on the show to continue our conversation from July, 2020 about customer obsession, journey mapping and the future of week. A year has gone by since then and I wanted to look at what he was seeing transformed, stagnant and a no go.

With that in mind we ventured into conversation...