Who made that change? It is one of those questions that can send chills down the spine of those responsible for databases. In this episode, Josephine Bush talks with us about how we can use a combination of the native tools—auditing and extended events along with some custom reporting to be prepared for questions about change when more environments are subject to regulation.
What is great about the community is their willingness to share and Josephine comes through with a set of her own scripts. What I think is most helpful is the filtering included so you only need to capture the most pertinent changes. This helps you feel confident you capture the most important pieces without all the extra logging you have to muck through when you actually have a question to answer.
The show notes and video for today's episode can be found at https://sqldatapartners.com/2022/03/30/episode-244-extended-events-vs-sql-server-audit. Have fun on the SQL Trail!
Conferences are on the uptick as COVID restrictions lift and we are excited for the upcoming year. After Eugene's return from SQLBits my thoughts revolved around what I wanted to learn this year at conferences and how you and I can go about picking the content we want to know more this year. Join us for a quick discussion on deciding what to learn as conference season picks up.
The show notes and video for today's episode can be found at https://sqldatapartners.com/2022/03/16/episode-243-choosing-what-content-to-focus-on. Have fun on the SQL Trail!