When was the last time you deployed code and then found an issue with the version of a stored procedure, a setting, or even a service pack? While we data folk don't generally have as much trouble with environment issues are our developer counterparts, it can still be a big deal. Spinning up a VM may not be such a big deal anymore; however, most of us still have to request one and wait. What if you could take care of the OS and the SQL Server and not worry about setting up another development environment? Our guest today is Andrew Pruski and he talks to us about how he is using containers to support his environments and the flexibility it provides to his and his co-workers.
While the Linux containers seem to get lots of love, one unique thing about Andrew's setup is he is running Windows containers with older versions of SQL Server. What is cool to me is there are tools out there that can help us folks running windows get up and running without having to wait on our infrastructure to upgrade to Windows server 2016. If you are using containers, I would love to hear about it. Use the hastag #sqlpodcast and let us know!
The shownotes for today’s episode is found at http://sqldatapartners.com/2017/01/24/sql-server-containers/ and have fun on the SQL trail.