Nov 22, 2019
Here are the songs in this broadcast.
Fake - Alexander O'Neal - R&B/Funk - 1987
Encore - Cheryl Lynn - R&B/Funk - 1983
You Used To Hold Me So Tight - Thelma Houston -
R&B/Garage/House - 1984
Fishnet - Morris Day - R&B/Funk - 1987
Human - The Human League - Pop - 1986
I Didn't Mean To Turn You On - Cherrelle -R&B/Funk -...
Nov 8, 2019
Here are the songs in this broadcast.
Lets Go Together - Pat Lewis - R&B - 1966
I'll Bet You - Theresa Lindsey - R&B - 1966
Girl, Have Pity - The Fantastic Four - R&B - 1967
Wake Up - Jonathan Winstead - R&B - 2012
All I Ever Wanted - Robert Gee - R&B - 2016
Be The One - Phoenix Melody - R&B - 2017
A Thing For You - Jay...