Mar 26, 2018
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the headlines, the protests of 2018, a requiem for Craigslist, and ‘Love, Simon’, the story every gay kid deserves.
Mar 19, 2018
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we talk about news, the American story as told in pageants, surfing the blue wave all the way from Pennsylvania, and being the best aunts and uncles we can be.
Mar 12, 2018
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we talk about the news, spaceships in the neighborhood, Stormy Daniels porn spectacular, and revenge tweeting.
Mar 7, 2018
Welcome to show #58 of the Twist Podcast. Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the headlines, awards snubs (will we ever learn?), the attempted erasure of queer people, and age as a downer.
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