"The College will always have that psychodramatic underpinning, that self-discovery and true knowledge of self, coupled with love, the most powerful thing there is. You can be who you are and be powerful. You don't have to be anybody else. You are enough."
TLC alumni and Board member JR Clary talks openly with host Rafe Foreman about story and its importance. “A story must be told in a way that allows the listener to understand that from my own human experience I can connect to the story you are telling. It awakens within me feelings of, for example, betrayal, or hurt or pain or immense joy. And because your story is awakening that feeling within me, we are like two piano strings that once one has been struck, the other resonates."
JR has served on the Board of Directors for the Trial Lawyers College since 2010 and currently serves as the TLC Treasurer.