Influencer burnout, overwhelm, childhood trauma, ketamine — no stone is left unturned in this juicy conversation with me and one of my yoga BFFs, Sarah Beth of Sarah Beth Yoga. Tune in to today’s episode to discover:
🔹 How to use your yoga practice to process and alchemize your past.
🔹 Why yoga helps with healing unresolved trauma, stress and hardship.
🔹 Where psychedelics can come into play.
🔹 Exactly what integrating these modalities looks like as a busy entrepreneur, yoga teacher, wife, and mom.
My friend Sarah Beth is the founder of the YouTube yoga phenomenon SarahBethYoga. Over the last twelve years, she has earned more than 1.5 million subscribers thanks to her 750 yoga videos and the wildly popular SarahBethYoga App. Sarah Beth is also married and the mother of two young boys and now the author of Trauma Alchemy a book on how to Transform Trauma, Stress & Hardship through Yoga (get it on Amazon here)
GUEST EXPERT: Sarah Beth Yoga |
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Instagram: @larkinyogatv
© 2023 Uplifted Yoga |
Ever felt like you’ve unlocked a new level of happiness or success… only to have everything come crashing down around you? That’s because we self sabotage when we leave our energetic comfort zone. For many of us (sadly) we’re *more* comfortable with lower, negative vibrations than the higher ones we’re ascending toward. Today, we unpack how this works and learn concrete action-steps you can take to counteract self-sabotage. Discover:
🔹What self-sabotage is from an energetic perspective
🔹Why growth happens in an expansion contraction cycle (and why that’s normal)
🔹The trick of identifying your “too good worries”
🔹Discerning the “early tells” of your negative spiral and how to break the spiral
And so much more!
💮Sign Up Free: KALI YOGA CHALLENGE Get my Kali Guidebook as an instant download
Study this with me:
Relevant Yoga Practice
Women's Yoga for Emotional Balance | Yoga for Emotional Control
Instagram: @larkinyogatv
© 2023 Uplifted Yoga |
The BEST goddess to liberate you from guilt, shame, doubt, fear? KALI! Our Kali Yoga Challenge starts in just a few days. Kali is the FIERCE goddess of death and rebirth.
She’s profoundly misunderstood.
🔥 Despite how she looks, Kali is not evil - she’s the DESTROYER of evil
🔥 Kali’s entering your life NOW to strip away your illusions, fears and self-destructive tendencies
🔥 She WANTS to plunge you -- deep! -- into your innermost power and potential
So I ask…Do you want to accept this invitation to explore this ferocious goddess on the yoga mat with me for 5 powerful days?
💮Sign Up Free: KALI YOGA CHALLENGE Get my Kali Guidebook as an instant download.
Instagram: @larkinyogatv
Blog: Mother Kali: Goddess of Death, or an Inspiration?
© 2023 Uplifted Yoga |
Let’s talk SNAKES! 🐍 And join me for the upcoming Kali Yoga Challenge. You may know that Kundalini has been historically represented through the symbol of the serpent, but why? Why a snake? As most ancient yogic translations, it all starts with Sanskrit. The translation of “Kundalini Shakti” from Sanskrit to English is “Serpent Power”.
This coincides with the movement of energy released within your body from the base of the spine up through the crown. This Kundalini energy is said to be like a snake, coiled at the base of the spine waiting to be released to your highest power. Symbolically this energy also moves like a serpent and is awakened by specific meditation and consciousness techniques.
In this episode, I nerd-out on all things Kundalini. The iconography of the snake, cross-cultural significance of the serpent, and why this knowledge is essential to unlocking the full potential of your personal practice.
💮Sign Up Free: KALI YOGA CHALLENGE Get my Kali Guidebook as an instant download.
Go deeper with me:
✨ Kundalini Demystified 30-Hour Course
✨ See Videos from Inside my Kundalini 200-hour Training
*NEW* Practice with me on YouTube:
Beginner Kundalini Yoga for Women | KUNDALINI YOGA FOR ENERGY
Blog: What is the Kundalini Serpent?
🎧 Also Listen to:
#264 How is Kundalini Yoga Different than Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga?
#199 Heal Your Subconscious with Kundalini Yoga - Conversation with Karena Virginia
#138 The Secrets of Kundalini Yoga Demystified - Conversation with Kia Miller
Instagram: @larkinyogatv
© 2023 Uplifted Yoga |