Influencer burnout, overwhelm, childhood trauma, ketamine — no stone is left unturned in this juicy conversation with me and one of my yoga BFFs, Sarah Beth of Sarah Beth Yoga. Tune in to today’s episode to discover:
🔹 How to use your yoga practice to process and alchemize your past.
🔹 Why yoga helps with healing unresolved trauma, stress and hardship.
🔹 Where psychedelics can come into play.
🔹 Exactly what integrating these modalities looks like as a busy entrepreneur, yoga teacher, wife, and mom.
My friend Sarah Beth is the founder of the YouTube yoga phenomenon SarahBethYoga. Over the last twelve years, she has earned more than 1.5 million subscribers thanks to her 750 yoga videos and the wildly popular SarahBethYoga App. Sarah Beth is also married and the mother of two young boys and now the author of Trauma Alchemy a book on how to Transform Trauma, Stress & Hardship through Yoga (get it on Amazon here)
GUEST EXPERT: Sarah Beth Yoga |
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