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WELCOME Love!   We have some BIG updates brewing and will be back to new episodes soon.  We are moving our show website as well, so you'll want to use from now on. In the meantime, enjoy these episodes on all sorts of topics that we hope you will LOVE. Thank you for being here! 

Sep 30, 2017

In this episode, Devi chats with Flavia Berys about Lifestyle Solopreneurship for the Spiritual Entrepreneur. Flavia is the host of the Lifestyle Solopreneur Podcast, an attorney, law professor, author, real estate investor, and founder of several online academies. During this conversation, Flavia shares powerful tools,...

Sep 23, 2017

In this episode, Devi chats with Eva Gregory about How the Law of Attraction Really Works.  Eva shares her story of how she completely turned her company around and generated a highly profitable corporate buyout, using these very same principles that you will learn in this episode. This episode is chock-full of great...

Sep 15, 2017

(Devi Download) How to Effect Change in Our World:

If you are dealing with something in your life that is challenging you or you are looking at recent events in our world and feeling like you want to do something to help out spiritually (not talking politics here) then this episode is for you!  We talk about what you...

Sep 9, 2017

In this episode, Devi chats with Holley Mignosi about being “fit to lead” - the New Model of Fitness.  Holley is on a mission to guide female Speakers, Entrepreneurs, and Thought Leaders to Lose Weight and Fall in Love with their Dream Body, by mastering proven Transformational Techniques and Releasing Hidden Habits...

Sep 2, 2017

In this episode, Devi chats with Michael Gebben. Michael is a JUMPstarter for LIFE!  Michael LOVES to use the analogy of a car with a dead battery - all it needs is a little Jumpstart & off it goes. He does that for people! It’s his passion to help people LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST and get up every day full of energy...