Dec 28, 2021
I LOVE to start every new year with a clean slate, from my office drawers to physical clutter to the emotional connections that I need to let go of, in order for me to create a beautiful spaciousness. In this episode of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, we talk about the New Year that is upon us, creating that spaciousness,...
Dec 21, 2021
In this episode of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, we talk about soul downloading and planning for the year ahead.
This time of year is often when we will start to reevaluate and take stock of what this year has been and begin to bring in a new awareness and a plan for what we want to “call-in” for the year ahead.
Dec 14, 2021
In this episode of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, we talk about “Voworking”. You can use this practice to not only powerfully wrap up 2021, but also really step into 2022 in an extremely powerful way.
This can help us not only build momentum in our business, but also help us to experience the journey of spiritual...
Dec 7, 2021
In this episode of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, we talk about filling up the cup of yourself and/or a loved one. Life gets really busy, especially during this holiday season and I want to invite you to take a pause and just make time for yourself to fill up your cup.
And if you're a person whose cup is full and...