Jul 3, 2020
In this episode, Devi chats with Dr. Fred DiDomenico about "6
Steps to Everything Your Desire". This is 6 Steps to tapping
into your Innate Divinity, releasing the pain of your past, hearing
the whispers of Divine guidance and finding, living, and fulfilling
your soul purpose, the reason you are here in this life.
This is written in his book, “You Are More Powerful Than You
Think,” and the coaching system found on www.youaremorepowerful.com.
Dr. Fred DiDomenico graduated Chiropractic School in 1987. In
the next 14 years of practice, he led 1000’s of patients and
families into an optimal spine/optimal health lifestyle of
corrective chiropractic. He was fulfilling his soul and life
purpose being a health care provider, teacher, inspired, and
He then felt an urge, a bigger purpose, to move beyond practice and help chiropractors fulfill their purpose, serve, and help more people live a healthy, exceptional life with chiropractic.
He started Elite Chiropractic Coaching, a chiropractic coaching group training doctors in the communication, team training, leadership, and business skills to become exceptional to help them and their patients live a healthy fulfilling, purpose-driven life.
He has influenced over 1 million patients around the world through doctors, presentations, and online videos and programs.
After the passing of his late wife with cancer in 2004, who
passed telling him she was dying with the regret of NOT living or
fulfilling her soul purpose, through his faith and unwavering,
lifelong desire to living an enlightened life, he was Divinely
given H.E.A.L.E.D.
The H.E.A.L.E.D. and “You Are More Powerful” system has already
brought hundreds of people into their Higher Self, raised their
consciousness and advanced EVERY area of their life. It is a
miracle because YOU ARE the miracle. The question is, “Are you
Conscious of it?”
Connect with Dr. Fred
DiDomenico @
You Are More Powerful Then You Think Facebook Page:
Email: drfred1@msn.com
Website: http://www.drfreddidomenico.com/
Podcast: Resurrecting Our Freedom
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