Feb 10, 2017
(Devi Download) One Action Per Day Brings Your Goal Your Way: We just wrapped up a FREE 10 Day UpLevel Challenge and the momentum and results that were created was extraordinary! It brought to awareness the power of taking one small action every day towards your big UpLevel Goal for your life and/or your business as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.
In this episode, Devi invites you to pick an UpLevel Goal for your life or business and to reverse engineer the critical milestones that you would have taken to reach that goal and then to calendar one of those action items each month.
You'll be amazed and delighted at the forward momentum that you will create towards your goal this month, especially if you add in setting up accountability for your big goal! We'd love to hear how it goes for you in the next 30 days...
To learn more about Devi and her work, visit her at her main website: deviadea.com.