This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is David Brier. When CEO Magazine published its article, “Words of Wisdom from the World’s Greatest Branding Experts,” it grabbed quotes from Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Richard Branson, and other brilliant business leaders. But leading the list was David Brier. Grant Cardon calls David, “The Branding Genius.” He has received over 330 international industry recognitions for his work in branding and brand strategy. He’s generated over $7 Billion in revenue for his clients which are many of the top brands in the world.
He's the author of the massive best-seller, Brand Intervention, 33 Steps to Transform the Brand You Have into the Brand Need, with a Foreword written by Daymond John of Shark Tank. And this week he is releasing the follow up, Rich Brand, Poor Brand How to unleash your David in a world of Goliaths.
Needless to say, David is THE man when it comes to branding and positioning and I’m excited for him to share his best secrets and principles to help you stand out in your business!
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