Mar 23, 2020
In this Fine Episode: Unofficially the “Nerd” Episode, we discuss the “new norm” of working during a pandemic, the Cryptid Hunter we never knew about Charlie Sheen, Oumuamua and COVID-19 in Space!
Episode 169:
Covid 19 in Space, Charlie Sheen, Catching Oumuamua, #Covidiots and Remote Workers Unite!
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An important message from CreepGeeks regarding COVID-19
Hello listeners,
In light of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, CreepGeeks wanted to give you an update to let you know what we’re doing here at the podcast.
This week our office staff have made the shift to work from home, which wasn't quite a shift as we already broadcast from an underground studio deep in the mountains of western NC. Our Podcast Mascot Pepper is shunning us as usual, avoiding any unnecessary contact. Protecting our podcast audience and our community at large is of utmost importance, so we will avoid spitting into our microphones and begin greeting our fans with the traditional "Finger Guns" salutation.
For many of us, podcasts are an important lifeline to cope with uncertainty, loneliness, and lack of Toilet Paper. We wanted to reassure you, you can still listen to us on multiple podcast platforms, check us out on Youtube, join our Facebook group or find us on Patreon!
For those of you staying at home, we’ll keep sharing memes and little moments of podcast distraction every day on Social Media to distract and encourage.
We’d also love to hear your suggestions on ways to cook with Toilet Paper, Sew Chihuahua sized Face Masks, and how to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to Sasquatch. Whatever your suggestion, we’d love to hear.
Above all, let’s look out for each other, protect the most vulnerable and continue sharing weird news and witty Greg-isms through CreepGeeks Podcast.
Sending lots of love and creepiness,
CreepGeeks Pod
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Ramdas - The One Eyed Turtle by Robert Goerman:
John A. Keel: The Man, The Myths, and the Ongoing Mysteries:
Brown Mountain Lights: History, Human Nature, and Science Explain an Appalachian Mystery
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