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Rock Under Fire


Rock Under Fire is a rock and roll podcast dissecting & discussing seven decades of rock from the 1950s to the present. It explores the place of rock music in the 21st Century amidst its virtual disappearance from the mainstream music world in comparison with its untouched status as the center of pop culture for some 50 years. With a changing cultural zeitgeist, what is rock's place in the 21st Century?   Rock Under Fire is a show that is equal parts rock history, analytic debate, scathing commentary, comedy, and education. You'll love us, you'll hate us, we'll make you laugh, and we'll piss you off. But you will never be bored. Nothing is off limits! 



Creator, writer, producer and host of the Rock Under Fire podcast. Mike is a musician and freelance writer who has had articles, interviews, and reviews published for and Pleasekillme,com. A collection of recent work can be found at DERRICO UNTITLED.


Photographer, vocalist, techie, video game guru, consummate rock fan, and co-host of the Rock Under Fire podcast