Dec 26, 2016
What You'll Hear:
One day he realized he needed to stop praying for himself and
start praying for others
Bill's pride kept him at first from taking a job being offered, but
then he listened and God prospered him
Nothing scares him. His family is saved and God has taken
care of him through the worst times
Since being...
Dec 12, 2016
What You'll Hear
Bill was born Catholic in a large family in Boston
He went from washing trucks to the top of FexEx reporting to the
founder Fred Smith. He was the only one on the leadership
team that didn't pray and wasn't saved
He went through a divorce then remarried. He and his wife
Dawn both came to Christ...
Nov 28, 2016
What You'll Hear:
Crate has spent 30 years in technical sales in the Food
He's the father of 3 children and went through a divorce and
He facilities a Men's Ministry at his church in Winston-Salem
God is concerned with our work and wants us to be happy
Crate would love to be in ministry full-time but...
Nov 14, 2016
What You'll Hear
Steve Ham had a great Christian upbringing, but didn't put his
trust in Jesus until his early 30's
Steve's brother Ken Ham was concerned about the dogma being taught
when he was a teacher in Australia
Ken and others joined to form a defense for the Bible against
secular ideas
Apologetics gets us back to...
Oct 31, 2016
What You'll Hear:
Fred was raised in a small village in Ghana. They had to
walk a mile for water and carry it on their heads
His father first came to America to Oklahoma City to go to the
University. He was then badly injured and was able to bring
his family to the U.S. to care for him
Fred became a Christian after a...