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Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Aug 25, 2018

What You'll Hear:

  • Dr. Damon Friedman had good people in his life who talked about Jesus and he even understood Jesus as Lord but hadn't embraced Him as his personal savior.  He was born and raised in LA. His Mom was born in Puerto Rico.
  • He got a full scholarship to college for running but then he dropped out. In his...

Aug 11, 2018

What You’ll Hear:
  • Bert Jones gave his life to Christ at the age of 8 at a Grady Wilson crusade at the football stadium in Reidsville, NC. Later in life he recommitted his life many times
  • As a boy and young man, Bert had a lot of jobs, he worked mowing yards, bagging groceries, bussing tables, and spent summers...