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Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Aug 26, 2019

What You'll Hear:
  • Robert grew up in Elizabethtown, TN in a Christian environment.  He doesn't remember a time when he wasn't trusting Jesus as his savior.  When he was 11-12 yr old, an evangelist challenged him to make sure, so he prayed that night and gained assurance of his salvation
  • His teen years were...

Aug 19, 2019

A = Announcement - Earlybird Registration on/or before Sept. 1 is $39.95 for Christian Men at Work Retreat on Oct. 4-5. Go to

S =  Something on My Heart - What is your mission statement? - Raleigh Sadler interview on non-profit the importance of a clear mission statement - For this ministry - "We...

Aug 12, 2019

What You’ll Hear:
  • Jacob became a Christian at a young age.  At age 5, the Pastor came to their house to share more details and he gave his heart to Christ
  • Jabob's first job was at a Fairway Grocery Store in Iowa
  • Through college Jacob worked as interim youth pastors
  • Jacob learned a lot of lessons working at a young...

Aug 5, 2019

S= Something

stories of Jonah, Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar_II Daniel 4:30-31

30 The king spoke, saying, “Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?”

31 While the word was still in the king’s mouth, a voice fell from heaven: “King...