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Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Feb 22, 2021

Recent election has me thinking about freedom. 
I have a thing where I got through the list of countries in the world and share little factoids with my Mom each day as a way to share something new.  It's been really informative for me and has really made me appreciate even more how unique and special our country is...

Feb 15, 2021

What You'll Hear:
Ken started out mowing lawns, pruning Christmas trees and working at McDonalds
Ken grew up as a Chreaster, going to church on Christmas and Easter because his Grandma said they should
Ken's Dad decided to accept Christ after hearing a sermon, and everything changed for Ken and his family

Feb 8, 2021

From Brian Biggers, Lambs Chapel,

First Light-1/13/21


The Miracle in the Pot


Jesus said to them, "fill the waterpots with water". And they filled them up to the brim.
John 2:7


It was the first miracle that Jesus worked when He walked on earth. Truth is that it seems such an odd...

Feb 1, 2021

What You'll Hear:
  • First jobs included lawn mowing and at Christmas Tree lot, and in college worked for ESPN for $11
  • Got saved between 2nd and 3rd grade at VBS. Rededicated my life in Junior High and High School
  • Went to college at Oral Roberts in Tulsa, OK.  They offer 65-70 majors. I started out Pre-Law but fell in...