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Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Mar 30, 2021


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. . . the wisdom from above is first pure, 

then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, 

full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere—James 3:17

A lot of men—not every...

Mar 22, 2021

S - 6 Ways to Deal with Stress
1. Worldly Ideas (not all bad provided not in conflict with Bible).
Recently read this:
Stress can best be described as emotional, physical or mental tension. We feel it in our bodies and brains. Others may notice changes in how we act. Stress is a healthy part of the human...

Mar 15, 2021

What You'll Hear:
Brian was raised Catholic in Boston, MA.  He met and married his wife who was raised Baptist.  He was separated in 1998 while working too much from home.  He was laid off from American Greetings because he didn't want to relocate.
He got into bad activities including drinking, clubbing, and...

Mar 8, 2021

Essential: Finding Worth in Your Work During Uncertain Times” was released February 2 and is now available on Amazon and other sites as it gets distributed.

Mar 1, 2021

What You'll Hear:
Brian gave his life to Christ at age 16 in church, after hearing an audible voice that said "Come"
First job was delivering appliances for local appliance dealer, while still in high school, learned how to install washers and dryers, learned about how hard work, how to use his hands, and how to deal...