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Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Jul 28, 2021

Dave Brown:
men struggled with this from the very beginning with the first Adam in Genesis, sat by as Eve ate the fruit
a life of passivity is void of courageous decisions
The life of Jesus was an engaged, active life, marked by obedience, obedience to His father
We know how Jesus turned over the money changer tables...

Jul 18, 2021

What You'll Hear:
  • Damon became a believer in 2009 after being a false convert earlier
  • As a young boy he felt like he wasn't able to do what he wanted and he had a problem with authority.  He had a false conversion including a confession in church and baptism.  Soon after that He saw his first horror movie and got...

Jul 12, 2021

God and wife most important relationships, but God wants us to invest in other relationships as well, in particular other men.  Jesus demonstrated this in how he invested in his 12 disciples but was closest to 3, Peter James and John, and you might say the closest was John.
The Bible is filled with wonderful stories...

Jul 9, 2021

What You'll Hear:
From an early age, David and his wife wanted to do missions in a low tier country
They worked in Africa, Central America and then after the 2010 Earthquake they went to Haiti to help and then went on to move to Haiti full-time
They have a compound with a surgical clinic, a school, a church, a...