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Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Aug 16, 2021

What You'll Hear:
  • Damon got saved in 2009 which led to him evangelizing.  He met another evangelist in 2012 who invited him and his friend to an abortion clinic.  It was very dark.
  • He continued visiting the clinic in 2013 more and more frequently.
  • He met Rusty Thomas who was in the video "Babies are murdered here"
  • He...

Aug 11, 2021

Alone at Work?

Whoever isolates himself . . . 

breaks out against all sound judgment—Proverbs 18:1

Work is a place where we men are apt to live, not as our true selves, but rather as carefully crafted and false versions of ourselves. Work is a “compartment” where we try to be, not who God created us...

Aug 2, 2021

What You'll Hear:
  • After getting saved, Damon prayed and wanted to evangelize the way the Bible says to
  • Gifted evangelists naturally without any training go out and evangelize and develop over time their techniques
  • Most people who say this is not their gift, it's an excuse not to go out and share the Gospel
  • Tracts is...