Jan 10, 2022
The Road to Freedom. I want to discuss a video I saw
this past week called the Road to Freedom, which I hope will help
you get free from what's been holding you back, and give you some
insights into finding your calling and your
purpose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8LJaVGe5JM
I believe God was speaking to me when I watched this because
it seemed to make my last podcast episode make sense. That
episode was called visualizing priorities and talking about God
being at the center of our lives and every part of our lives being
the spokes protruding form that center. In retrospect, the
concept of God being at the center of our lives and visualizing it
is helpful but still doesn't address the difference between
priorities and aspects of our lives.
This was one of the last times Rob Skiba gave a public
presentation, given this past summer at the Take on the World
I'm going to briefly summarize a very long message so if you'd
like to fill in the gaps please click on the link to this video in
the shownotes.
First, he shared a story about a Pac-man and a wedge.
The Pac-man was always needing something and the wedge filled the
void but later got spit out. The wedge met a Big-O which was
round all the way around. Big-O said he used to be a wedge
and he rolled around until all the sharp edges broke of until he
was round or whole. At the same time Rob asked everyone fill
out the wheel of life which looked a lot like the visualizing I
talked about in the podcast last week. He asked everyone to
rate how well the different parts of their life are doing form
1-10, with 10 being on the outside of the circle and 1 being at the
center. Well, since parts of our life are not 10's, we end up
looking like a wedge or pac-man, not a Big-O.
The Pac-man and wedge represent co-dependent
relationships. We can become whole on our own rather than
trying to find someone to make us whole.
Pain in our lives are rooted in 3 dominant emotions, anger
fear and sadness and is the result of the difference between our
expectations and reality.
The key is to process anger is to forgive. Forgiveness
is for the offended not the offender and results in peace.
God is the ultimate offended person since all of humanity has
offended Him with sin. Isaiah 43:25 says
"“I, even I, am He
who blots out your transgressions for My own
And I will not remember your sins." So God forgives us for
His sake, and we should do the same and forgive everyone in our
Fear is caused by rejection. God will never mess with
free will, so we should not blame God for rejection in our lives
and realize He's with us through everything. The opposite of
love is not hate, it's fear. Write down everything that's
causing fear in your life, and these days for most of us we're
fearful of uncertainty in our world with Covid and what governments
are doing around the world. The only way to make it through
this is to trust God.
Sadness is caused by a loss. 5 stages of grief are
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Most
people get stuck in depression. It's sound simplistic, but
the way to get to acceptance is to have an attitude of gratitude.
The end result is joy.
So the processes for anger, fear and sadness are forgiveness,
acceptance and grief and the three end results are peace, love
and joy.
Doing this can also move the dial on the different areas of
your life to become a Big-O, a whole person.
Rob then finished his talk talking about finding our purpose
with a focus on our gifts. The Bible talks about 3 categories
of gifts, motivational gifts listed in Romans 12:6-8, ministry
gifts described in Ephesians 4:11, and manifestation gifts found in
1 Cor 12:7-11. For motivational gifts, he goes through a
series of simple questions to help you identify your motivational
gifts beginning around the 59min mark. The gifts are Mercy,
Teacher, Server, Giver, Prophecy, Exortation, Administration.
He then went through common attributes, good and bad, of each of
these gifts at the 1:01:30 mark that I found really helpful.
Rob also pointed out that the 7 spiritual gifts line up with
the 7 mountains of cultural influence. Mercy lines up with
family, teacher lines up with education, server with arts and
entertainment, giver with business, prophecy with media,
exhortation with religion, and administration with
government. Rob then finished up by talking about making a
contract with yourself asking the following questions: Who are you?
What do you want? How does YHWH see you? What is YHWY calling you
to do? How can you use your healing and spiritual gifts to help
This contact is kind of different spin on setting goals for
yourself. I haven't been into goal setting much in recent
years, but I'm excited about this process Rob went through, so I
plan to go through this process and end up with a contract for
myself, and I hope you do the same.
And they glorified God because of me.
What's green and sings - Elvis Parsley
Last week I suggested you listen to a song by Kutless.
This week I want to suggest you look on Youtube or Spotify however
you listen to music the song "I Still Believe" by Jeremy