Jun 21, 2021
What You'll Hear:
Dave grew up in Ohio then began a career in the Federal
Government in Wash DC
In 1980 God pulled out the pins from under him. He asked
what his purpose was. God granted Dave repentance and faith,
and Dave was born again.
The only Christian Dave knew was Chuck Colson. Chuck
told him that God would make it clear to him what his will was for
Later Dave went to Seminary and pastored some churches and
started WACMM
Not only does God save us, He continues to save us.
There's nothing that we can contribute, but all of our desires
Life verse from John 13 "apart from Me, you can do
Genesis 3, as human beings we "messed the nest". The
first Adam was passive and isolated himself by blaming
others. The second Adam was the opposite of being isolated
and passive.
A life of passivity leads to an avoidance of courageous
Both isolation and
passivity has been exaggerated with Covid.
The Devil draws men into pornography, idolatry, and
We're in a whole dress rehearsal for heaven
He's given us freedom in Christ, why would we want to go
The life of Jesus was an engaged, active life
Matthew 11:29 was the only time when Jesus talks about His
heart, and He said His heart is gentle and meek
We are on display to the world
We should all be optimistic because we know how this thing is
going to end
Break 1:30:28 - Next we'll talk about political idolatry
We've always had this issue, it boils down to who do we trust
and who do we treasure. Psalm 146:3-6
Our hope has never come and never will come on Air Force
One. That doesn't mean we should drop out and be ignorant of
the culture. We should be men of Issachar, who discerned the
times, but our allegiance is to the Lord Jesus Christ.
When we see we're spending more and more time on politics
that's a warning sign.
We should pray for government leaders even when there's no
evidence of godly wisdom.
We worry about political power, when we have access to
supernatural power that transforms lives
Caution: Be mindful of your witness when engaging in political
conversation. Don't say things in a way that would alienate
someone who is an unbeliever, as well as believers.
We live in a pagan culture and the Gospel is under
attack. Be encouraged. God is Sovereign. Be
in prayer and be in community.