Jun 13, 2021
Lessons from Rocky (spoiler alert). I was 7 years old when
both Rocky and Star Wars came out. We rarely went to the theater
and this had some swearing so I didn’t see this in the theater but
the VCR and ability to rent movies came out soon after that so I
watched this movie along with all the sequels and actually Rocky 4
was the only movie for which I stood in line at midnight to see the
premier. I would say that the Rocky, Star Wars and Indiana Jones
franchises where the most impactful for me growing up in the 80’s
and of the 3 I think the Rocky series has the most positive lessons
we can glean especially as men. I recently took my youngest
daughter to the biggest library in our area and while I was there I
checked out the first Rocky movie. As a side note just telling my
daughter about Rocky got me excited about it and After playing the
main theme song “Gonna Fly Now”
Which she didn’t realize was from Rocky, I decided to look up
trumpets on Craigslist and went and bought a used one. I haven’t
played since college and I’ll going to pick it up again starting
with learning the Rocky theme song.
Interesting facts about Rocky (turndowns, awards,
Put your work under Christ (2 main references, opening scene
shows picture of Christ then pans down to Rocky in a boxing match,
other when he makes a cross sign at the opening bell for his
Championship match with Apollo Creed
Gentleness with your lady - Rocky and Adrian actually lived
together during the latter part of the movie. We don’t know if they
slept together or not. On the positive side Rocky is gentle and
caring and encouraging toward Adrian, he compliments her, jokes
with her but not in a sarcastic or critical way, he’s vulnerable
with her sharing his feelings, and he apologized to her right away
when he’s tired one evening and was a little short with her.
Also at his moment of semi-victory at the end going through
distance with Apollo rather than basking in the limelight he only
wants to see Adrian, tell her he loves her and share the moment
with her.
Mentoring - great scene in beginning when he sees a teenage
girl hanging out with the wrong crowd and acting poorly. He walks
her home and gives her some words of wisdom. She actually
disrespects him after his speech and it kind of adds to the sad
stage set in the beginning where Rocky is feeling rejected and like
a failure, but I Like to focus on the fact that he took the time to
pour into a younger person as our lesson
Value and Respect Authority - when Micky came to offer and ask
to be a Rocky’s manager he rejected him out of spite because how
Micky had rejected Rocky but within moments apologized and agreed.
He was wise not to train for the fight alone, recognizing the
experience Micky had, and not letting pride prevent that
Work Hard - both a negative and positive lessons. He took the
easy and immoral route acting as a tough guy debt collector for a
loan shark, kind of Matthew from the Bible type. On the positive
side his 5 weeks of hard work and training for The fight and his no
quit attitude going the full 15 rounds with the Champ pain and
exhaustion is one of the most vivid and inspiring examples of
persistent hard work I can think of.
How to Not be a Bum - toward the end of the movie he tells his
girlfriend that he doesn’t think he can win but if he can just go
all 15 rounds he will have proven he’s not a bum. As Christians we
need to realize we’re all bums to begin, meaning sinners but that
the only way to lose that title is by accepting the free gift paid
for by the blood of Jesus, not by anything we accomplish.
This week E is for end times. I want to share with you
video called "100% Proof of End Times " by TruthUnedited.
It's over 3 years old but everything that's happened since this
video was produced only add to its arguments.
1 - Evil is now good
2 - United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
3 - Bitcoin and the Mark of the Beast
4 - One World Religion
5 - The Fight for Jersusalem and the Third Temple
6 - The U.S. Economy is Collapsing
7 - The Trade War and the Collapse of the U.S. Dollar
8 - The Wealthy are All Preparing for a Global
9 - The World is Desperate for New Leadership
10 - World on Edge for World War 3
Proverbs 10:4 NKJV "He who has a slack hand becomes
But the hand of the diligent makes rich."
H - John Shirey - Time Management