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Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Nov 14, 2016

What You'll Hear

Steve Ham had a great Christian upbringing, but didn't put his trust in Jesus until his early 30's
Steve's brother Ken Ham was concerned about the dogma being taught when he was a teacher in Australia
Ken and others joined to form a defense for the Bible against secular ideas

Apologetics gets us back to the basics.   The best thing we can do is ask questions, like "Are you sure about that?"
There are a lot of challenges in education today, particularly in the government school system, but also in  homeschooling.  Their ministry rates Christian universities at
For all men, our work is a mission God has given to us
Read and share the word of God with your family as much as possible.

Steve Ham is the Senior Director of International Ministries for Answers in Genesis, which is an apologetics ministry dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

He is married with two children and has a master of divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Steve is a regular speaker and writer for the AIG ministry and has a passion not only for creation apologetics, but for providing support for strengthening the worldwide church in the great mission of the gospel.

Among his authored materials, the Answers for Life evangelism course has been used effectively to see many people come to faith in Jesus Christ.
When Did You Become a Christian?
In my early 30's when I truly put my trust in Jesus, even though I had a tremendous upbringing
Tell us About Answers in Genesis
Started by my brother Ken Ham and some other men in Australia.  He was concerned about the dogma that was coming out of school when he was a teacher, a naturalistic, atheistic philosophy.

They were impacted by Henry Morrison, founder of the Institute for Creation Research, the leader of the modern Creationist movement

They set out to give a defense for the Bible against the secular ideas
What is Apologetics and Why Is It So Important
It doesn't mean we're apologizing, it comes from a greek word which means we're defending our faith and providing an answer to questions about our faith
How Can Men Practice Apologetics at Work?
There are many ways.  We can talk about the latest political or social issue.  It's best to just ask questions, e.g. "what do you think about that?"

Apologetics gets us back to the basics, what do we believe and why do we believe it, and why do we have authority to speak on this matter

Just speak with people respectfully and lovingly

By asking questions you show respect for the other person

It's important that you know where you stand on these issues before you enter into a conversation
What Are Some of the Biggest Challenges Christian Men Teachers Face
The history for teachers in the U.S. changed in the 1920's with the Scopes Trial (the Monkey Trial), since that change the education systems have really embraced a naturalistic focus and evolution being the main worldview.

Today, evolution is now stated as the only fact and Creation is relegated to a belief system only

They have a bankrupt philosophy which dominates the teaching environment

Even in some Christian schools they try to fit the millions of years into Creation
What is the State of Homeschooling Today?
We go to many homeschooling conventions.  It's good and bad.

I'm encouraged by the number of families who see the worldview issue and want to help their children and are willing to put the effort in and take a greater responsibility in the education of their children.

At the same time, I'm concerned that some of the text books that are used in homeschool are no different than a government school program when it comes to this issue.