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Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Oct 31, 2016

What You'll Hear:

Fred was raised in a small village in Ghana.  They had to walk a mile for water and carry it on their heads
His father first came to America to Oklahoma City to go to the University.  He was then badly injured and was able to bring his family to the U.S. to care for him
Fred became a Christian after a bus ministry came to their apartment complex and invited them to church

He joined the Navy after his mother died.  He was tempted by the atmosphere but the Holy Spirit helped him.
He needs wisdom when dealing with people who want to argue about politics and religion when he's at work in the Merchant Marines.
We should never give up when it comes to our faith and our fight

Fred Abakah was born in Ghana, West Africa and came to the United States in 1976, residing in Oklahoma City, OK.

His mother passed away three months before he graduated from High School in 1988.  In 1990 he enlisted in the United States Navy.  He went on to serve a successful 20 year military career, serving on the USS Missouri during Operation Desert Storm and retired from the US Navy in 2010.

Since then he's been working as a merchant marine/ship's engineer primarily in the Gulf of Mexico.

Fred and his wife Irene have three sons, Jabriel, Jedidiah, and Jeremiah.
Why and How Did You and Your Family Come to the United States?
My father came through a foreign exchange program after hearing about America from my uncle.

He was accepted to a University in Oklahoma.  He came in 1974 and was working and going to school.  He worked in a factory and had a bad accident so that he needed someone to care for him 24 hours a day, so his sponsor asked if someone back in Africa could come and care for him.  My father asked for his wife and kids to come over.
What Was Ghana Like?
We lived in a village in the town of Bisease.  We would have to travel a mile or two to fill buckets of water from a well and carry on top of my head.  Our family lived together in a house called a compound, with grandparents, parents, and children all together.  We would bake things in a mud oven and had an outhouse for a bathroom.
When Did You First Become a Christian?
After moving to the U.S. we lived in an apartment and I learned the language quickly.  Every Saturday some Christian men would stop by and then we would ride the bus to church.  At age 10, I realized God was speaking to me and I answered the Holy Spirit at an altar call.
Tell Us About Your First Job
Right out of High School I worked for one of our church members at their meat factory.  I was called Smiling Fred.
How Did You Get Into the Navy?
I promised my Mom I would join the Air Force.  After she passed away, I lost interest in the military but thought about it more and joined the Navy.  It was fun and an adventure.
Do You Have Any Stories to Share?
I was in Thailand.  The men were living in sin.  I had someone back home thinking of me that kept me in check.  I almost went along with the crowd, but the Holy Spirit spoke to me and instead I gave my Bible to a young girl.
Tell Us About Your Current Job
I work for the Merchant Marines.  Not exactly Navy but we're still sailors.  They carry supplies and goods and did so in past wars.  It's a tough lifestyle, being away from home, having to deal with different personalities.  Religion and politics will start an argument every time.  You have to have wisdom in how to deal with each person.
Spirit Round
What is the Greatest Misunderstanding Men Have About Their Work
Most people say they love their job but the truth is most people are doing it because they need the money.  Most people would rather be doing something else.  The right thing to say is "It's a great place to work" or "I enjoy working with the people".