Dec 12, 2016
What You'll Hear
Bill was born Catholic in a large family in Boston
He went from washing trucks to the top of FexEx reporting to the
founder Fred Smith. He was the only one on the leadership
team that didn't pray and wasn't saved
He went through a divorce then remarried. He and his wife
Dawn both came to Christ through an amazing experience with a
stranger at a bar in Seaside, FL. Part of that involved
Bill's reading of Psalm 91 "He who dwells in the secret place"
He knows his role at work is not to be a minister but to show
the Lord
Every day he prays for the Lord to bring to him who he wants him to
talk to
They retired and bought and sold real estate and ran a restaurant
in Florida, then lost it all and had to move in with family because
of finances
Bill Fraine was born 7 of 9 to Lorraine and Frank Frain in Boston,
He joined Fedex in 1979 as a handler washing trucks and spent 20 plus years working handler to Senior Vice President reporting directly to Fred Smith, founder and CEO
Bill Fraine became CEO of ZOHO, a dot-com, and over the yeras has held leadership positions with many top companies. Today Bill has a family of four girls with his wife Dawn and lives in Gibsonville NC.
Bill holds the position of Chief Operating Officer for XPO Logistics - Supply Chain in High Point, NC where he leads a team of over 20,000 employees servicing fortune 50 companies.
His life was changed at the age of 42 when in 2001 he came face to face with his Lord and Savior and gave his life over to Jesus.
Tell Us About How You Became a Christian
I grew up Catholic in Boston, with 8 siblings, regularly
attending church but didn't have a relationship and
wasn't filled with the Spirit.
I joined Fedex when it was just starting out. I worked my way up from washing trucks to being VP and reporting to the founder Fred Smith. I got married, had 2 kids, and then got divorced.
I then met my current wife Dawn. Neither of us had faith in our lives. We tried to get pregnant and couldn't but then Dawn did get pregnant but we lost the child soon after birth and found out Dawn could not have children.
Later when I was 43 years old we were at a bar in Seaside, FL at a time when Dawn was seeking something and was praying the Prayer of Jabez for 30 days. A woman, we now called Patty the angel, came and sat down and started talking about Jesus with Dawn. They later found out Patty didn't normally go to bars and was going through a very hard time in her life, but God told her to go into that bar and tell someone about Jesus.
Dawn was changed forever and knew the Lord immediately. I was not convinced, but that night I picked up a Bible and opened it up to Psalm 91:1 "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" - I immediately knew who Jesus was and that He was real to me. After that, I couldn't get enough of the Bible. It all talked to me.
The next day we both said to each other "how could we have been
so blind?".
Tell Us About Living Out Your Faith in Your Work
I was the one holdout among the leadership team at Fedex.
They were always praying at meetings, about business plans,
etc, and I didn't understand that or participate.
Later when I got saved and I told them they were very excited.
When I got saved, I understood my role. I couldn't become a minister at work but I could show the Lord.
I pray for everything. My business plans. My employees. The banks I work with.
I don't hide that I'm a Christian, but everyone knows it's not something they need to worry about.
I realize how important my role with the Lord is at work. It's to be His ambassador. Everywhere I've worked since being saved, I've led others to be saved, but not because of me preaching to him.