Mar 6, 2017
What You'll Hear:
Jeff Kisiah was a high school coach who has gone by "Coach K",
was an associate pastor for 30 years focusing on Men's Ministry
Since 2013, Jeff has been the National Field Director for the Man
in the Mirror organization, whose mission is to help men disciple
After attending 22 Promise Keeper conferences, Jeff was looking for
ways to make Men's Ministry more sustainable, and was drawn to
Patrick Morley at MIM and the No Man Left Behind Principles. These
principles include an all-inclusive mindset and leaders
complementing, not competing with the vision of their church.
There are 3 common mistakes most men's ministries make
Jeff believes in the ministry of hanging out at work, and
recommends we be a regular Joe not a holy Joe
Find out what your co-workers enjoy and establish a relationship
with them
At work, we need to look at other men through the eyes of Jesus,
not the eyes of judgment
Since February, 2013, Jeff Kisiah, also known as "Coach "K"", has
been the National Field Director for the Man in the Mirror
organization, whose mission is to help men disciple men.
He provides ministry expertise and oversight to the MIM Field Staff located around the country.
Jeff was an Associate Pastor for nearly three decades in SC, FL and NC, focusing primarily on Men's Discipleship.
After attending 22 PK Conferences in 10 years, he began to implement "No Man Left Behind" principles from MIM for sustainability in his local church (Harvest Community) in Charlotte, where he founded MVP (Men of Valor & Prayer).
Jeff married Candie from Chattanooga, TN on July, 1980 and they have two children, Kristi and Brooks, along with a granddaughter, Madison. Jeff proudly serves as the official "Mayor of Madisonville"!
Brett Clemmer, Vice President of MIM, has stated that "Coach K
is a "relentless warrior" in the Battle for Men's Souls.
When did you become a Christian?
August 31, 1964. 6-1/2 years old. We were driving to
church. I asked Dad, "Can anybody be saved?". I made my
profession of faith that morning.
Why are you called Coach K?
I was a high school coach for 6 years. Part of 4 championship
teams. My last name was hard to pronounce and spell so I
settled in on Coach K.
Since 2013 you've been the National Field Director for the Man in
the Mirror Organization, whose mission is to help men disciple men.
Tell us about Man in the Mirror
It's celebrated 30 years. Parachurch ministry, worked with
over 30,000 churches. Pat Morley wrote the book "The Man in
the Mirror: Solving the 24 Problems Men Face" (also in audio).
We exist to serve pastors, train leaders and see God
transform the lives of men.
You attended 22 PK conferences and then implemented the "No man
left behind" principles at your church in Charlotte. What is
this "No man left behind" all about?
I would think, what are we going to do the other 51 weeks of the
year. Toward the tail end of the PK era, we started taking
fewer and fewer men. I wanted to address the question of
sustainability. I heard Pat Morley speak on this topic.
I hitched my wagon to Man in the Mirror.
We're a research based ministry. We came up with 12 key concepts that give us a grasp of what's taking place. Here are 3.
Portal priority.
3 strands of leadership. Pastoral staff. Passionate leader.
Leadership team. We train our leaders to compliment, not
compete, with the vision of the church.
All inclusive mindset. We want to change it from Men's
Ministry to Ministry to Men. We don't have to just gather men
in gender only environments. Every man in the church is
involved in the Ministry to Men.
What are 3 common mistakes churches make with ministry to men
Lack of intentionality. Avg church is focused on the other 3 sub-groups: women, youth,