Feb 22, 2021
Recent election has me thinking about freedom.
I have a thing where I got through the list of countries in
the world and share little factoids with my Mom each day as a way
to share something new. It's been really informative for me
and has really made me appreciate even more how unique and special
our country is and how blessed we are to have both the freedoms and
the financial abundance and opportunities we have. I thank
God for that specifically nearly every day.
Having said that, I also believe there can be a danger of
making an idol of freedom.
I saw so many Christians wondering what God was up to when
Trump lost this past election, based on an assumption that God's
will was for Trump to win. I have to admit at some level I
was in that camp.
I have almost 100% tuned out of politics and news since the
election, so much so that my friend told me the other day that Rush
Limbaugh had died and that Trump had been adquitted in the
impeachment trial, neither of which I was aware of several days
after they had occurred.
You know what, it's been great being unplugged in this way.
I've been less angry and devoted more time to more important
But back to earlier point, I truly believe we will
suffer a big loss of freedoms with the regime change in Washington,
particularly Christians. As Christians, our job and our
motivations should not have changed with this election, nor should
our clarity and confidence that God is in control.
It makes me think that we should not have the same of freedom
as the rest of the world.
In Exodus 8, God releases the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th plagues on
Egypt, but He also makes clear through Moses why He wants His
people to come out of Egypt. The reason is so that they could
sacrifice and worship God.
In John 8:31-32, "31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who
believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My
disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free.”
Galations 5:1 says " Stand
[a] fast
therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do
not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage"
From these verses I get a picture of freedom that's not the
same as the freedom we often think of in the United States.
It is not a freedom to do what we want. That's the motto of
Satanism, to do what you wilt. Rather freedom is
to no longer be a slave to sin but rather be a slave to
John 8:34 "Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I
say to you, whoever commits sin is
a slave of sin."
Romans 6:16 "Do you not know that to whom you
present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that
one’s slaves whom you obey, whether
of sin leading to death, or of
obedience leading to righteousness?"
Romans 6:22 "But now having been set free from sin, and
having become slaves of God, you have your
fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life."
We may not like the term "slave of God" and it might sound a
little to restrictive. When we have that thought we need to
reject it in the name of Jesus, because when we boldly claim our
personal freedom and exalt it above all other things ultimately is
idolatry and leads to us trying to make ourselves god of our
Notice the reward at the end of Romans, it says "you have your
fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life."
Is this heaven after we die? Maybe, but don't forget
John 17:3 "And this is eternal life, that they
may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ
whom You have sent."
For those of you can relate to me and were in bondage to sin
in your past in ways that really hurt yourself and others, you can
probably agree with me when I see that God's freedom rather than
being "freedom for myself" is more like
"freedom from myself.
You might be wondering what the application of this little
message is to our work.
The world will tell you that work is a necessary evil, and
you've got to go to work because of the golden handcuffs.
They'll tell you that you're serving a 45 year sentence and
you'll only be "free" when you retire, only to be let down when you
retire, perhaps filled with regrets and lacking purpose.
God's vision for our work is much different. He gave
Adam and Even work as his first gift, and it's still a gift for us
today and one for which we should thank him for daily.
When we're in relationship with Jesus, work is just a part of
a joy-filled life fully submitted and devoted to Him.
When I got saved I went to a Promise Keeper's event and bought
the CD for the music from that event and one of my favorite songs I
would play over and over was "I am free".
here are the lyrics. I found these being attributed to
Newsboys, I don't know if they originally wrote the song or
Through You the blind will see
Through You the mute will sing
Through You the dead will rise
Through You all hearts will praise
Through You the darkness flees
Through You my heart sings
I am free
I am free
Let me hear you
And I am free to run (I am free to run)
And I am free to dance (I am free to dance)
And I am free to live for You (I am free to live for You)
I am free (I am free)
Yes I am free (yes, I am free)
Through You the kingdom comes
Through You the battle's won
Through You I'm not afraid
Through You The price is paid
Through You there's victory
Because of You my soul sings
I am free
From First Light - 2020-0112
Truth and Freedom
If you abide in my Word, you will truly be my disciples.
And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you
John 8:31-32
Jesus died on a cruel cross not only to save us eternally,
but also to liberate us from bondage. Any bondage. Demonic,
emotional, mental, family, physical or any other type that robs us
of the life He desires for us. Anything that keeps us from
experiencing the Christ life that comes through His Spirit, He
wants to liberate us from. "Normal" for those in Christ should be
defined as a life of peace, happiness, compassion, able to hear the
Shepherd's voice, able to live free from fear, anxiety and pain
from our past among a host of other "benefits" that we inherited at
our salvation. However, everything Jesus died to give us
doesn't fall on us like ripe cherries when we are born again!
That's why Jesus spoke in John about truth and
freedom. Genuine freedom can only come as truth gets down
inside our hearts and that can only happen when we internalize
His Word into our spirits. God's Word is like no other book.
Hebrews says it is "alive and active and able to go beyond our
souls into our spirits". Psalms says that "the entrance of thy Word
gives light". Something takes place inside me as I meditate on the
wonderful truths found in the Bible such as "if anyone is in
Christ, he (or she) is a brand-new creation, old things are
gone forever, and all things have been made new". What actually
takes place is that as I read and think deeply (meditate) on the
truth found in scripture the Holy Spirit of God takes that
truth to the very core of my being, which is my heart and
uses it to transform me at spirit level. He uses it to
destroy the lies that cause me pain or bondage and replaces those
lies with the liberating, life giving, joy inspiring truth from
heaven! It is a true miracle! I have to do my part, "thy Word have
I hid in my heart". He won't do it for me, but when I do my part
then He does His part which is to do surgery in my heart and remove
the cancer and replace it with life giving truth! That's why it is
life or death for believers to let the light of His Word in their
hearts constantly. To "abide" in His Word s to continually receive
it. If you will be faithful to "attend unto my Word", He will
be faithful change you from the inside out over time. For
those who are tired of the same old same old it is time to
dust off that Bible and get it into the heart so freedom can
break loose!
Thank you for providing a way for me to be truly free
from the junk that keeps robbing me of the life you died to give
Taking about former site leader, who passed away, knew name of
everyone in the plant, if he saw you outside the plant he
treated you like you were the most important employee in the
company. but don't ever let him him touch any buttons
16 Therefore say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Although
I have cast them far off among the Gentiles, and although I have
scattered them among the countries, yet I shall be a
for them in the countries where they have gone.” ’ Ezekiel 11:16
Passed my Ham exams, KO4MNF
Apologetics tip: 3 main worldviews