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Jacobs Ladder Podcast

Mar 1, 2021

What You'll Hear:
Brian gave his life to Christ at age 16 in church, after hearing an audible voice that said "Come"
First job was delivering appliances for local appliance dealer, while still in high school, learned how to install washers and dryers, learned about how hard work, how to use his hands, and how to deal with people
Went to college, part-time cutting lawns, then worked for a print shop doing deliveries, after college did graphic design and director positions, then started his own business 25 yrs ago with his wife
They use story to help other businesses to invite their customers into a story
Starting business wasn't a gentle transition.  He was let go after 10 years when his wife was pregnant.  It was scary, like bungee cord jumping but you're not sure if your cord is short enough.
He does creative and front-end work, and his wife works in the back office
Donald decided to start Story Brand and help people tell their story
In storytelling, there can be up to 36 elements, the shortest is 3
In the story brand framework there are 7 elements
The Character (hero), The problem, The guide presents a plan, a direct call to action, which results in success or ends in failure
Break: 17:04
Brian created Entreworship.  We're called to worship God in everything we do.  If we don't, we're missing out.
Christ is Lord over all of us, or He's Lord over none of us
Brian has written devotionals called "Essential: Finding Worth in Your Work", for those who wonder if their work really matters
We're told in the Bible that everyone in the body of Christ is essential
We all face pressure in our jobs, and we all need encouragement
The church hasn't equipped men to see their work as sacred, we've forgotten this idea from the Protestant Reformation
We need to end our obsession with entrepreneurship
We worship the things objectify, in our culture we focus on freedom and politics
God's call to our lives is a call to Christ
Christ didn't just save our souls, He saved everything
For an entrepreneur, there's a risk of running ahead of God instead of following
God may be saying "wait", but He never wants us to sit still
Gal 5:16 says we'll always be in this tension
Becoming a good follower is a lifetime endeavor
85% of the workforce is not engaged in their work
We're called to work for the good of the communities we're in
Remember who we work for.  We're there to serve the people who hire us, we have to respect that.
No matter what we do, we do for the glory of God.
In most workplaces, the management think the workers are the problem, and the workers think the management is the problem.
Favorite verse is Romans 12:1-2 and Phil 4:7-8
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Social media, handles @BrianSooy
The work that you do is one that God is using to do things through you

Essential: Finding Worth in Your Work During Uncertain Times” was released February 2 and is now available on Amazon and other sites as it gets distributed.