David grew up in South Africa in the early '70's. He
became a believer around 6 years old. He didn't really grow
up Jewish, he only embraced that later. To have Jewish
identity, you need community and Jewish identity is not generally
recognized in the church, though that has changed in recent
Many Jews when they become believers, within a generation or
two, they don't even know they're Jewish
In the early 2000's and when he had children, it became
important to David to reclaim his Jewish identity in the home
He was isolated from much of the impact of apartheid due to
segregation and the laws weren't as strict as in previous
years. They didn't support Apartheid but it was a system they
lived in
It hit David what Apartheid was about when a young boy told him
he wasn't allowed on the beach
All white males had to serve in the military in South Africa,
so David served in the Navy from 1990-1992 and the reserves after
that. He went to interesting places like Antarctica
The future for South Africa did not look bright and so David
went to London in 1994 since he was also a British citizen, and
then to Boston in 2001
In 2015, after many entrepreneurial experiences, he decided to
do something for the Lord. He ended up at Moody Bible
Institute because it had a great Jewish studies program and didn't
have any tuition
He's currently a full-time student and a start-up consultant to
support his family
When you're making a career change, you have to count the cost
in time, resources, and risk. If you have a family they'll be
involved in the change as well
Are you willing to deal with failure?
If you don't have a family and are single, focus on your
career. Develop your business before your house
It's important to have a good attitude about your work as well
as in all things. It starts with the heart
I don't make a distinction between work and ministry.
What we do in life is all ministry and work is a part of that.
Work life balance means not neglecting one for the other.
The biggest part of that is having a wife that supports me in what
I do. She supports me spiritually and with the things that
need to be done at home.
Work life balance means prioritizing God first, then family,
then everything else after that. It's not about equal
treatment, it's about having our priorities right.
Favorite scripture Proverbs 3:6-7 "In all your ways
acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not
be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from
evil." This was given to me at my dedication. There's a
lot of good advice in those verses. Put God first.
Don't be conceited, be teachable, and fear the Lord.
Our primary purpose is to worship and obey God.
To contact David, dbarker72@gmail.com
About the Podcast
Loving God, others and ourselves at work and at home. Interviews and ponderings, from a Messianic perspective, and with a focus on men. Formerly the Christian Men at Work Podcast.