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HVAC School - For Techs, By Techs

Jul 31, 2017

Les Fork returns to the podcast to discuss on-call rotations. He explains why being on call is necessary and how you can make the most of it.

We are supposed to be on call for the sake of customer service; when a customer has an emergency, it's best for the customer (and the business) when someone is available to respond...

Jul 24, 2017

In this podcast episode, Jim Bergmann continues talking about standard air, air density, and mass vs. volume as well as some other methods of "directly" measuring airflow. It gets pretty deep.

Airflow hoods and vane anemometers can give you direct airflow measurements.

You use static pressure probes, not pitot tubes, to...

Jul 24, 2017

Bill Spohn Jr. is a college intern working towards his business degree, but he took a week to see what it is like to work as an HVAC tech. He shares his impressions on this podcast. Bill is the son of Bill Spohn and has been a college intern working with TruTech Tools. However, he has just gotten his first real dose...

Jul 19, 2017

In this two-part podcast series, Jim Bergmann talks about measuring airflow in HVAC systems. He covers a wide range of airflow measurement instrumentation and readings.

In this first episode, Jim covers ECM motor considerations, delivered capacity, laminar flow, and more.

In the HVAC industry, many techs confuse static...

Jul 12, 2017

In this podcast episode, Bryan talks about brazing basics and tips. He goes over safety, regulator settings, torch positioning, flowing nitrogen, heat control, and more.

Whenever you're going to be working with equipment that creates fire, you will want to make sure you know all of the safety procedures and have...