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HVAC School - For Techs, By Techs

Oct 30, 2018

This short podcast episode is about a simplified way to explain the basic refrigerant circuit to new techs. By explaining a component as an absorber, rejector, increaser, or dropper, you may help lock in the basic idea of absorbing and rejecting heat.

The goal of refrigeration is to remove heat from a place. Whether...

Oct 25, 2018

In this first part of the two-part combustion analysis series, Jim Bergmann covers CAZ testing or worst-case draft pressure testing in detail. He also explains why it matters to techs and customers. Once again, MeasureQuick will come in handy if you do CAZ testing in the field; Jim Bergmann is working on automating...

Oct 23, 2018

In this short podcast episode, we talk about the commissioning mindset and what it REALLY takes to set up and commission a new system properly. We commonly check airflow and the refrigerant charge during commissioning.

There is a difference between mere startup and commissioning. When you commission a system, you ensure...

Oct 18, 2018

In this podcast episode, Rusty Walker from Hill Phoenix talks us through the three most common types of market CO2 systems and how they work: secondary, cascade, and booster.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the oldest refrigerants; it is a natural refrigerant that came about when toxic refrigerants like ammonia were...

Oct 16, 2018

Can you really trust that temperature reading? In this short podcast episode, we talk about some common mistakes techs make when making temperature measurements and what to do about it.

Many heat pumps use heat strips as a source of auxiliary heat. However, it takes some time for the heat strips to integrate with the...