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HVAC School - For Techs, By Techs

Mar 31, 2020

In this short podcast episode, Bryan talks about the steady-state voltage problem that can take out inverter boards and what to do about it. Inverter-driven equipment refers to a variable-frequency drive with ECM compressors and fans.

We're talking about modern split-phase equipment rated for 208v or 230v power....

Mar 26, 2020

Jim Bergmann and Michael Housh join Bryan to talk about testing A/C vitals. They discuss the new vitals mode in MeasureQuick and how it works. As with many of MeasureQuick's other functions, vitals mode is an invaluable tool for green and experienced HVAC techs alike.

The new vitals mode helps us with charging, airflow,...

Mar 24, 2020

In this short podcast episode, Bryan explains how to use liquid line temperature as a quick diagnostic indicator on split A/C systems.

Liquid line temperature is one of the first things to check when you approach a system. Checking that temperature is also a great way to get into non-invasive testing. The temperature...

Mar 16, 2020

In this live podcast episode, we discuss viruses, bacteria, and fungi. We also explain how they interact with HVAC equipment, their effects on indoor air quality, and how businesses can protect their customers and employees.

Since we work with the public, we can minimize the risk of viral transmission by keeping our...

Mar 10, 2020

In this short podcast episode, Bryan talks about science and how to balance practice and experience with the “why” behind what we do. He also explains how either one can cause an error if you aren’t careful.

Science is not just about reading nerdy theories in books; it's all about understanding why the processes...