Dec 8, 2016
In 2016, Kaiha Bertollini, the Wild Card Ninja, laid claim to the unsupported hike record on the Appalachian Trail. This, despite no previous experience as an elite athlete or even any indication that she might be able to take such an endurance test on. The response in the hiking world was almost uniformly negative and very hostile. Kaiha agreed to tell me her story and, whether you believe her or not, it is gripping and worthy of an audience. The interview is not explicit, but her story on her website, is certainly not for children. That said, I urge people to read what she has to say. She can be reached through the website under the contact page and will respond personally to every message. I'd also love to hear what you have to say about Kaiha and the interview. If you click here, you'll be linked to the visceral video I referred to in the interview. It left a lasting impression upon me. The language is very strong, so beware once more. Don't forget to rate us on iTunes or leave me a message at my website, There, you can listen to all my podcasts, look at a gallery of photographs from my 2014 thru-hike and see some of the videos I made of the trip.