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Agile Uprising is a purpose-built network that focuses on the advancement of the agile mindset and global professional networking between and among practicing agilists.

Jul 28, 2019

In this @AgileUprising podcast, Chris Murman @chrismurman and Andy Cleff @justsitthere chat about the launch of anew initiative at the Agile Uprising - helping folks in our community find their voice, to share ideas they have brewing, to connect some dots. #askagileuprising
Learn more at 

Jul 21, 2019

In our next episode recorded at Mile Hile Agile 2019, James Gifford sits down with author Trent Hone to discuss complexity and organizational learning.  Enjoy!


Trent's Website

Trent's Book:  Learning War: The Evolution of Fighting Doctrine in the US Navy, 1898-1945

Trent's Twitter


Jul 14, 2019

In this episode (recorded on location at MHA 2019), James Gifford @scrummando chats with Lynn Winterboer @agileLynn and Christen McLemore @mschrismac about coaching the coaches.

Topics include

  • Avoiding the liverwurst on banana bread feedback sandwich
  • Modeling the behavior you’re looking to catalyze - like saying...

Jul 7, 2019

Join Brad Stokes and Christopher Avery as they discuss The Responsibility Process®.

When Christopher Avery was a management consultant, this was his driving question: Why are so many smart people unhappy at work?

20 years ago, Christopher realized that the most useful skills he was teaching his smart, ambitious,...