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“Monster Attack” is a podcast dedicated to old “Monster Movies,” the ones we all grew up with and fell in love with. These are the films that opened up a new world of scary creatures, sci-fi wonders and frightening tales of the supernatural. Former radio personality Jim Adams re-visits a time when radioactive dinosaurs threatened Tokyo, werewolves terrorized the population at large and mad scientists conducted hideous experiments in large mansions.

Oct 18, 2021

Jim reminisces about a film from George Pal that he loved as a young child, 1961's "Atlantis The Lost Continent," starring Anthony Hall, Joyce Taylor, John Dall, Edward Platt and Paul Frees. A young  Greek fisherman, Demetrious, saves the Princess of Atlantis. He agrees to take her home where he is wowed by the amazing technology it has. But, danger and catastrophe lurk in the shadows. What happens next? Find out on this week's episode of "MONSTER ATTACK!"