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“Monster Attack” is a podcast dedicated to old “Monster Movies,” the ones we all grew up with and fell in love with. These are the films that opened up a new world of scary creatures, sci-fi wonders and frightening tales of the supernatural. Former radio personality Jim Adams re-visits a time when radioactive dinosaurs threatened Tokyo, werewolves terrorized the population at large and mad scientists conducted hideous experiments in large mansions.

Nov 29, 2021

Clay Sayre joins Jim for a discussion about a film that started as a student project and expanded into a cult classic - 1970's "Equinox," starring Edward Connell, Frank Bonner, Barbara Hewitt, Robin Christopher, Jack Woods and Fritz Leiber. Featuring the talents of Dennis Muren and Jim Danforth, the film established itself as a drive-in favorite and midnight film. Four people looking for a professor run into evil incarnate. Find out more on this week's episode of MONSTER ATTACK!