Did you know that exposing your skin to certain plant compounds called furocoumarins (which are psoralen isomers), like lime, lemon, celery, carrots, & parsnip, and then exposing your skin to sunlight, can cause severe reactions like phytophotodermatitis?
They’re usually irregularly shaped rash, but patches can also appear in the form of drips and streak marks too!
You'll also learn what Berloque dermatitis is, and how this can affect people who use Bergamot oil, found in fragrances or aromatherapy oils.
In this episode, I shared about:
Ready to conquer eczema? Book your free breakthrough call now and start your journey: https://www.conqueryoureczema.com/results
Get my free guide on 15 Overlooked Root Causes of Eczema: https://conqueryoureczema.com/root-causes-guide
For more resources and support, www.eczemaconquerors.com
For more eczema tips, follow Abby on:
Want more eczema resources?
*Use the code PODCAST10 for 10% off your order here.
Today Dr. Ana-Maria Temple, an integrative paediatrician, shares how to help kids, babies, and children with eczema & dermatitis.
She also created a children's eczema course - head to https://bit.ly/childeczemacourse and use code "eczemaconquerors" to get $100 off to learn more about children eczema. In today's episode, she talks about how to treat kids with eczema and also patterns she notices in her patients who do suffer from eczema.
Ready to conquer eczema? Book your free breakthrough call now and start your journey: https://www.conqueryoureczema.com/results
Get my free guide on 15 Overlooked Root Causes of Eczema: https://conqueryoureczema.com/root-causes-guide
For more resources and support, www.eczemaconquerors.com
For more eczema tips, follow Abby on:
Want more eczema resources?
*Use the code PODCAST10 for 10% off your order here.
I finally had a chance to share my own personal eczema healing journey. I've been waiting a long time to share this - and I hope it helps encourage you that you can heal, and that you're not alone on this journey.
Ready to conquer eczema? Book your free breakthrough call now and start your journey: https://www.conqueryoureczema.com/results
Get my free guide on 15 Overlooked Root Causes of Eczema: https://conqueryoureczema.com/root-causes-guide
For more resources and support, www.eczemaconquerors.com
For more eczema tips, follow Abby on:
Want more eczema resources?
*Use the code PODCAST10 for 10% off your order here.